Sr. Regine Celebrates 75 Years of Religious Life.

Sr. Regine Celebrates 75 Years of Religious Life.

Yesterday, the Sion community in Ein Kerem – Israel celebrated the 75th anniversary of the religious life of Sr. Regine Canetti, NDS, who renewed her vows in the Church of Ecce Homo, the same place where in 1945 she professed her vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in Sion for the Church. The Mass was presided by the Archbishop of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Pierbattista Pizzaballa and concelebrated by other local authorities, attended by the sisters and brothers of Sion, Chemin Neuf community and some NDS friends. Sr. Regine, 99 years old (also celebrated in this week), is part of the history of Sion and Jerusalem. Even in the face of so much adversity, she never gave up, even when at a young age, without strength, on the high seas due to the sinking of her boat, she swam for her life, clinging to the hope that God had a greater purpose for her. Yes, she was right: yesterday and today with the same trust in the God who had called her, she remains firm in her purpose of serving the Church, being an example of fidelity and love, as she recognizes that to live a life of holiness is to have a close union with God, seeking intimacy and completing the work He gave us to do here on Earth.

