Conclusion of Brothers’ General Chapter.

Conclusion of Brothers’ General Chapter.

The Brothers of Our Lady of Sion concluded on Friday (July 29) the 26th General Chapter of the Congregation, with the celebration of Holy Mass at 16h, in Mogi das Cruzes (SP). At 8am this same day, we started our meeting congratulating Br. José Souza (who celebrates his birthday today), we completed the reading of the last minutes and we continue with the opening of the election of the new General Government of the Congregation. After a thorough process of scrutiny, the Chapter reelected Fr. Donizete Ribeiro as Superior General and the following Councilors :.. Br Elio Passeto, NDS; Fr. José Maria Leite, NDS; Fr. Manuel Miranda, NDS.; Fr. Antonio Valdenício, NDS and Fr. Ilario Mazzarolo, NDS. We thank everyone for the constant prayer during the Chapter and praise the God of Israel and his Holy Spirit who accompanied us in making decisions. Our Lady of Sion, pray for us!


