Ein Kerem has a new Web Portal.

Ein Kerem has a new Web Portal.

The Sion Community of Ein Kerem (Jerusalem) has developed a new portal of the house. The house highlighted by the diversity of the communities: brothers, contemplative, apostolic sisters, novices, associates and volunteers, also functions as Guest House, receiving visitors from Israel and also from abroad.

“The portal arose from the need for a presence on the Internet, since, nowadays, all institutions have their own virtual presentation. The Portal is therefore a means to disseminate not only the Guesthouse, but also the NDS charism lived in the Ein Kerem’s mixed community, “said Br. Cristóvão Oliveira, responsible for programming and design of the website.

The website’s project began with meetings of a team formed by the community, under the direction of Sr. Philomena Conroe. The texts are prepared by Sr. Anne Catherine Avril, along with the associated Mark D. Walsh, while the photos are responsibility of Br. Tiago Rangel, Br. Cristóvão, Mark and also the voluntary Agnieszka Serwadczak (who is no longer in Ein Karem). She was the one who took some pictures used on the Portal. The design was built based on Sr. Anne’s drawings.

“I think that’s the difference with our website; it was made by ourselves,” said Br. Cristóvão.

Click on the image below to access the portal.

ein kerem

Support: Br. Christopher Oliveira, nds.

