Sr. Anne-Catherine talks about Shavuot during Reshit Da’at Seminar.

Sr. Anne-Catherine talks about Shavuot during Reshit Da’at Seminar.

Today Sr. Anne-Catherine Avril, NDS presented the topic “The Feast of Shavuot during the Second Temple period”, during the Reshit Da’at Seminar, at Ratisbonne (Jerusalem).

Sr. Anne worked on important passages from various biblical and extrabiblical writings of the intertestamental period. The Mishna, for example, reports the detailed procedure of how the Bikkurim (first fruits) were harvested and offered in the Temple of Jerusalem. She also showed, through the texts, the likely relationship between the feast of Shavuot, the gift of the Torah at Sinai and Christian Pentecost.

This was the 7th and last seminar presented in the semester, with the general theme “Jews and Christians in the First Centuries.” The presentations are supposed to restart in September, with a new theme still to be chosen.

