Beginning of the 2nd semester Reshit Da’at Seminars.

Beginning of the 2nd semester Reshit Da’at Seminars.

This last Thursday (07 September) we began the second semester of the Reshit Da’at Seminars. This time the general topic must be related to the “Jews and Gentiles in Pauline Theology”.

he first lecture was presented by Br. Elio Passeto with the title: “The Status Quaestionis of the Pauline Theology”. Elio stressed that the common approach about the personal experience of Paul has traditionally taken as a process of a clear conversion from Judaism to Christianity. Elio criticised this point-of-view as being unfair to the very Paul’s writings and he made use of many biblical passages to reenforce his argumentation.

There were sisters, brothers, novices and friends of Sion to attend the presentation. The next meeting is supposed to take place in two weeks.

Photos: Br. Cristóvão Oliveira, NDS.

