Bishop Marcuzzo encourages pilgrims to visit Israel.

Bishop Marcuzzo encourages pilgrims to visit Israel.

“Do you want to abandon the Holy Land to its fate? Pilgrims, continue to come to the Holy Land. Free yourself from the fear that imprisons you and come “: this is the heartfelt appeal that, through the online site, Bishop Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar for Israeli Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, launches for the local Christian community, whose numerical presence may disappear.

Words that are added to those of the same kind, expressed recently by the Custos of the Holy Land, Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, and other ecclesial representatives. “Do not be afraid to come to the Holy Land – says the prelate – and visit all the Holy Land, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Amman. During these months, thank God reigns complete safety and general tranquility. A reasonably well-founded fear would be a sign of prudence, good sense and wisdom. But such fear is absolutely unfounded; it not only produces nothing good, but it paralyzes the person and blocks any attempt to the growth and progress.”

Source: Vatican.
Translation: Joel Moreira, nds.

