Sister of Sion Brigitte Martin-Chave passed away.

Sister of Sion Brigitte Martin-Chave passed away.

The Religious of Our Lady of Sion and family took part of the Eucharistic celebration in honor to Sr.Brigitte MARTIN-CHAVE nds. The celebration was held in Lyon, Saint Martin d’Ainay Basilica, on Monda, 26 October 2015.

Brigitte Martin-Chave belonged to the Congregation of Sion and she did everything to break down preconceptions about Judaism. “By drawing in both rabbinic writings, the Old Testament and the texts of the Church Fathers, she’s rendered us a spiritual heritage of great depth” RCF Radio broadcaster said.

Brigitte Martin-Chave passed away on October 16, 2015, at the age of 69.

Click here to listen to the podcast with the tribute made by RCF radio (in French).


Information: RCF Radio / Pictures: Br. Jose Souza, nds.

