Archaeologists restore ancient tiles from Second Temple in Jerusalem.

Archaeologists restore ancient tiles from Second Temple in Jerusalem.

“This represents the first time that archeologists have been able to successfully restore an element from the Herodian Second Temple complex,” said Dvira at an unveiling of the tiles at the project’s headquarters in Emek Tzurim National Park, located on the western slopes of Mount Scopus.

The regally designed ancient tiles likely featured prominently in the courtyards of the holy Temple during King Herod’s reign between 37 to 4 BCE.

“It enables us to get an idea of the Temple’s incredible splendor,” he said.

Frankie Snyder, a member of the Temple Mount Sifting Project’s team of researchers and an expert in the study of ancient Herodian-style flooring, said they succeeded in restoring the ornate tile patterns using geometric principles, and through similarities found in tile design used by Herod at other sites.

“This type of flooring, called opus sectile [Latin for “cut work”] is very expensive, and was considered to be far more prestigious than mosaic tiled floors,” said Snyder, who has an academic background in mathematics and Judaic Studies.

Moreover, Talmudic literature records the meticulously planned construction of the Temple Mount, describing rows of marble in different colors, including green, blue and white.

“Now, as a result of Frankie Snyder’s mathematical skills, we have succeeded in recreating the actual tile patterns,” said Prof. Barkay. (Read the full text).

Source: The Jerusalem Post. / Support: Br. Elio Passeto, NDS.

